I also plan to add some beads to the sunburst on the bubble bottle.
If you liked the 1st face, it's underneath this one.
It's only taken 2-1/2 years to get this far!
This has certainly been my biggest challenge so far!

This blog records my experiments and successes with fabric and fibers, surface design, stitching, weaving, photography and whatever else strikes my fancy. Enjoy ...
This project is a pattern from Bee Creative. I learned the value of color, and light.
My quilting teacher at the time (I was also learning to applique) suggested I use silk leaves instead of trying to traditionally applique them all. Hence, the leaves have an added dimension since they are only attatched down the middle.
This was also one of the first bindings I did - notice the wave across the top. My bindings have significantly improved since this one.