For over a year, now, I've been very interested in trying Shiva Paintstiks on fabric.
On Saturday, at a session with the
Thread Calligraphy Lady, Nancy Katzulaukas, I discovered that Paintsticks are distributed right here in Wisconsin, only about 30 miles away from where I live! All this time, I've been thinking "How exotic, how expensive, how cool ..." I thought I would wait until the
Cedar Canyon lady comes to present at Darting Needles Quilt Guild (Appleton) in June on using PaintStiks on fabric.
Well, I couldn't wait. Nancy K. offered a good deal on the PaintSticks with the Shelly Stokes book. So I bought the Irridescent set, along with gold and copper.
Even better : at the session, the local distributors, a Mr. and Mrs. Richeson, from Kimberly, WI, came and gave everyone in attendance the samplar pack of the metallic (gold, silver, and copper) PaintStiks. They seemed very interested to see how quilters and other people are using Shiva Paintstiks, since their original market had been oil painters.
You can buy PaintStiks directly from Richeson's :
Richeson Art
Richeson's Online Catalog entires for Shiva PaintStiksOr get them from an increasing number of Quilt Shop and textile Artists.