I was most interested to try these out on the crumpled tissue paper fabrics I learned to make in the Mixed Media Class at Joggles. I thought these would be perfect for journal covers!
The inks are shipped as a powder. I get to add my own local water (wise not to ship water--especially when it may freeze in our winter weather). Lindy was kind enough to also send several sample cards--possibilities!
My husband knew I was making this rather extravagant purchase (consider it my contribution to stimulating the economy!), but he held his tongue and didn't say anything. When I showed him the first samples, he thought it was a wise purchase. Nice to have such a supportive Sweetie!
Take a look at this :
I think the blue side is Long John Silver Moon Shadow Mist with Gossamer Gold ink painted over the top. On the right side, I don't remember what I initially sprayed on (Saxifrage Olive?). It seemed too uniform, so then I painted on Bucaneer Bronze. From this picture, it still looks pretty uniform. It's difficult to photograph these to show the sparkle ...
Here are the same pieces turned into journal covers. This gives a better feel for the textures :
Suffice it to say, I am very happy with my purchase from Lindy's. I wish I could get the whole darn collection. Oh the things I could make!