I attended a small craft sale yesterday as a vendor to sell my handmade journals. Up until now, I've used the journals myself, or given them away. This weekend, I had 25 journals in stock, ready to sell. I sold 9 of them throughout the day. Lagniappe (a little something extra) : The first 6 buyers got to pick a free pen to go along with their new journals.
As the day began, I was getting a little worried that in our computer-cell phone day and age that no one would want to write by hand anymore (or remember how) ... Many people walked by my table and were just amazed at the beauty, colors, and textures of my journals. I encouraged them to touch and feel and ogle--things you can't do online as yet. I use an antique laid paper for the pages--so it has a rich feel that makes you want to write on it--by hand, old style--to feel that paper under your skin. It's comfort food--really--even though you can't eat it. ;-)
One woman (Marie, a potter who wore a wonderful t-sirt that read "Throwing my Life Away" with a potter's coil below the words) is also a musician. She bought one of the journals so she could write songs and music on it's pages. I was so honored that I could "go along" with someone so artistic and creative. Another journal was purchased as a gift (Thanks Dottie), to be a travel journal for a trip to India. ;-) Cool--my journals will get to travel the world, too!
I am humbled and awed by the idea that these blank books will live lives of their own once they leave my care and keeping. Someone else will breathe life into their pages. ;-)
It was such a good experience, I'm planning to open an etsy shop in the new year. No I don't expect to make millions, but it will be fun. When it ceases to be fun, I'll quit. Oh-oh--now I've said it. I'll have to actually make that happen.
Here are some recent journals not previously cataloged here on Sweet Leaf Notebook :

Close-up of the bead (rolled polymer clay rubbed with gold):

Detail of the bead and elastic attachment point on flap :

Elegant Black & Copper Paper Cover with flap :

More Copper Paper (difficult to photograph--sorry for the shine) :

Royal Purple Paper for Fannie W. :

Taupe Journal for Caroline :

Leather-looking Lokta Paper rubbed with gold :