Yesterday, 3 fiber friends and I took a field trip to the other side of Lake Winnebago to visit the Hidden Valley Farm and wollen mill in Valders, WI.
In the postcard/flier above, you can see the jackets their sheep wear to keep the wool nice and clean. I remember commenting when I bought my 2 bags of raw wool how clean it was. The jackets make a huge difference when it comes to picking the grass and seeds, etc., out of the wool on the processing side.
Here's a picture of the giant carding machine--with bags of wool waiting to be carded. People can send them their wool to be carded. There were bags of beautifully died colors there waiting their turn at the machine. Gorgeous!
Upstairs is a fiber shop and weaving / spinning studio with balls of died roving ready for spinning. I bought some from her a few years ago at the show in Jefferson. This would be a good day to sit by the fire and spin or weave!
2 alpacas outside the shop.