A thoughtful junk-hound friend picked this up for me today (With the flooding people have been forced to clean out their basements ... The Garbage Men will be working overtime this week!) :
I have long wanted a loom! Now I have one (for free!) This one does not seem to be water damaged at all--just a little dusty.
Now I just have to :
1) clean it up
2) figure out if any pieces are missing
3) and figure out how to use it
Sue Bleiweiss did some posts on weaving with a loom a few months ago ... May be time to review those! Anyone out there have suggestions on where to start?
Picture long dark winters beside the fire with the rhythm of a loom ...
Good luck! I had one of those once and never really used it. I gave it away to someone that I don't think every used it either!
well how fun! I'd highly recommend starting with getting your hands on a copy of Learning to Weave by Deborah Chandler.
Have fun with the new loom!
Ooh you lucky thing. I always wanted one of these but didn't think I would ever get enough use out of it so bought a huge floor standing tapestry loom instead - and guess what? I never get the use out of that either *LOL*
Hi, that's a cute little loom!
Unless it has four shafts (those things in the middle that have the string heddles on them) then Learning to Weave by Deb Chandler won't really be useful. I can't tell in the picture.
I just started weaving, and there are some great groups on yahoogroups for small looms. Just a suggestion!
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