I spent last weekend at Quilt Camp with my mom and Aunt Rosita and a bunch of other quilters who come every year. We finally realized that it would be a good idea to take a photo every year, because you never know who might not be back next year. My mom has had a battle with Shingles and nearly missed the retreat last year. Another lady has been recovering from cancer, but she made it this year with her 2 daughters.

So what do we do at Quilt Camp? We sew!
Here are a bunch of us hard at work in the lodge at Waypost. We have a great view of the Lake out the windows. And we don't have to go outside to sleep or eat. Everything happens in the Lodge.

Marla showed us how to make these Fast and Easy Table Runners. She said it was a 5-minute project. In truth, it took more like 10 minutes! Still a quick project. ;-)

I made progress on the Horses Applique for my Dad. He has 2 retired horses who look like the ones on the pattern : Cinnamon & Sugar. Maybe next year I'll have it finished! I haven't done an applique piece in a while. I forgot how much fun it is to "color by number," to see it build and come to life with each additional piece added.
* Indispensable Tools : My acrylic table with an Ott light underneath makes a great portable light box for fusible applique.

* Tweezers for placing picky little pieces right where you want them.

* My mom had a
Fiskars Fingertip Rotary Cutter that was great for getting the pieces free of the larger sheet.
I spent most of my time working on quilting the Twin COnnection (Spools) Quilt, but I'll save that for a separate posting.
Here's what my mom (Holly Matucheski) was working on (and yes, she gave me permission to post these pics) :

This is a quilt top my mom made for one of her nurses who is retiring next month. The pattern is
"Just Can't Cut It" by All Washed Up Quilts.

North Woods
This is another one my mom was working on.

Here's a blurry close-up to give you a better idea of the colors. Marla Arndt, owner of
Cutting Edge Quilts in Antigo, WI, has a wonderful eye for color. She put this kit together.

This is my Aunt Rosita's Bargello Quilt Top. She showed this to me at Christmas time, and I liked it so much, she decided to give it to me. Thanks! She had taken a class based on the book
Bargello Quilts with a Twist by Maggie Ball. It's actually a lot easier than it looks ... Get the book!