Sunday, March 04, 2012

"Spinning Helps Me Forget"

I've become a huge fan of ABC's Once Upon a Time, particularly the character of Rumplestiltskin, in part because he spins.  In one episode, Belle asked him why he spins so much.  He has more gold from straw than he could ever spend in a lifetime.  He answered that it helped him forget ...  When she asked him what he wanted to forget, he said, "It must have worked!"  The little guy has a sense of humor, and he does enjoy life.  He's always willing to help a desperate soul--for a price.  He's a complicated character, but I'm confident that he will redeem himself before the series ends.

Today, I was spinning a silky tencil / merino mix.  Very lustrous and beautiful fiber!
Spinning for me is a nice meditation.  I know what Rumple means ...

Enjoy this montage of the little Man's Giggles :


farmlady said...

I love this show and he is one of my favorite characters.
It's coming on in 5 minutes so I have to go...

Anonymous said...

Beautiful--what are you going to do with your yarn?
Joanne D.