The assignment this week was about black and white. The secret is starting with a decent picture to begin with, especially one with good contrast. Sometimes the color is overload, but turning it black and white makes it timeless and elegant. The black and white treatment made this shell positively luminous!
Someone suggested in the comments that I turn the picture from the Whisper post into black and white. It worked marvelously!
I added a line of text to this version. But it also stands quite well on its own with no text, too.

Here's the image I started with from 2 weeks ago.
These shells are so gorgeous. I think I prefer the colour image you did, as the pearl is so beautiful in colour.
I prefer the colour version you did as the pearly texture is so beautiful in colour. It is extremely difficult to get past the robot identification here - that's probably why there are so few comments, this is my 3rd try!
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