Sunday, April 21, 2019

Breaking Wilton's Delphinium on Pendleton's Wooly Worms

Same idea as yesterday -- dyeing 1-1/2 pounds of Pendleton's Woolly Worms on the stove top in a huge pot.  Only this time, I'm using Wilton's Delphinium Blue.  Though similar to the Violet,  Delp Blue has a slightly more tropical / Mediterranean greenish blue to it than the Violet.  

Again, I used almost a whole jar of the Wilton's Delphinium Blue icing gel, melted in some hot water before adding to the simmering dye pot about 2/3 full of water and 1-1/2 cup vinegar. 

Once that was mixed, I started adding the pre-soaked wooly worms -- not all at once.  I put some in dip-dye style, but waited until the color changed to add more -- from purple to blue to greenish blue at the end.  And of course the darker worms that were over-dyed became w hole new color altogether.  

And this is how the colors broke.  I'm so pleased with this! 

 Here are the woolly worms laid out on the drying racks.
Very nice color range from the 1 pot of dye!

I am looking forward to sewing the strips end-to-end.  I can randomly pull worms from the batch and sew, and I think it will all come together as a nice rug someday!

Here is a side-by-side comparison of Delphinium Blue (left) with the Violet batch (right).

1 comment:

The Idaho Beauty said...

Your wooly worms are coming along nicely. I'm loving that these breaking colors are so similar to the ones I got with my last round of snow-dyeing.