Sunday, March 22, 2020

Quilted Feathers and Pearls Pillow Cover

Feathers and Pearls Wreath Pillow

I've been wanting to do this for a while now.  My biggest challenge was enlarging the pattern to the right size.  When I finally did that, and copied it onto the quilting paper that I could sew through, I was finally ready to begin stitching.

I used a lovely blue dyed fabric, with a piece of an old quilted mattress pad.  The fitted part (the part that keeps it on your mattress) often wears out before the padded part on top, and they make great battings for projects like this, or a wall hanging because they don't sag like cotton or natural fibers might.  And they give a lovely puff / loft to the quilting.  That's the waste-not/want not recycler in me determined to use it up before throwing something out.


Here it is from the back side / batting side. 
The design is Circle Wreath by Susan Mallet from 2008.

1 comment:

The Idaho Beauty said...

Wow - so very beautiful. But then again, most feather patterns are!

I haven't heard much coming out of WI - are you still going in to work or have they sent you home and battened down the hatches?