Block 36 - Flower Garden Path
Believe it (or not): This one was NOT paper-pieced. When I looked at this one last week, I considered skipping it, or substituting for some other FW Block that I liked better ... but today, I was fresh, and motivated, so I started in on it. It really wasn't as bad as it looks. That said, it took about 2-1.2 hours to complete, but I worked through all the steps and gotter done.
The tricky thing about this one was the inset seams. I've done them before, but it was good to get the reminder about marking the 1/4-inch dots and stopping there, not sewing off the edges. It worked! Here is Jinny Beyer's short video on how to do Y seams.

Block 74 - Ribbons
This one was paper-pieced. I worked on it Friday evening after work. It seemed simple enough, but boy, was I swearing last night. No matter how much extra fabric I add to the sew-and-flip piece, it seldom covers the space required for the block. More often than not, it comes up short -- wastes fabric and time because I have to pick it out and do over. This one, too, I cut the dark blue pieces with the points going the wrong way. If you look closely, you'll notice that 2 of the are right side up, and 2 of them are wrong side up -- because when I cut the points, they were pointing the wrong way for the flip step. Grrrr! You would think that after all this time, I'd say half the blocks in this project are paper-pieced, that I'd have the technique figured out. But no --- All I can say is that this one is done.

Block 96 - Tulip
This one was paper-pieced. It was the last one I worked on today from this set of 3. I cut the fabric pieces way oversize, and had plenty of fabric to work with -- No shortages on this block. Paper-piecing went well. I guess I must have done some processing in my sleep to figure out how to do it right? This one came out surprisingly well after yesterday's trials.
Tutorials from Handmade Karma for Week 23.
See Handmade Karma's full set of Farmer's Wife blocks and tutorials.