Sunday, March 14, 2021

Farmer's Wife Blocks - 78 Shooting Star - 82 Spider Legs - 86 Squash Blossom

Block 86 - Squash Blossom

Trying to inject a little more orange into other blocks so that the 2 maple leaf blocks don't look so out-of-place.     The one was paper-pieced, but not maddening.  I was more interested in the colors and fabrics for this one.  I got the chance to use up the last bits of that night dragonfly fabric.

Block 82 - Spider Legs

A little more orange here.  I contemplated other color schemes: green and blue; blue and purple; green and purple ...  and this is the one that rose to the top.  This block is similar to one I did a few weeks ago.  In some ways this is the opposite as that one was too dark.   This one also uses the "new" cream background, as I was running out of the viney white on white.  This one is a little creamier than the vines.  I forgot my sample at home when I bought it and didn't match that properly by memory.



Block 78 - Shooting Star

A frustrating paper-pieced block.  You can tell by all the extra piecing I had to do to fill in where I misjudged the fabric needs.  It's a very awkward looking block.    I was hoping the green would read as dark, and the blue would read as medium, but I think they both come out as dark.  

The middle sections were awkward to paper-piece.  It probably should have been broken up into more pieces to do it elegantly.  But I muddled through it.  Another week done!


Tutorials from Handmade Karma for Week 28

See Handmade Karma's full set of Farmer's Wife blocks and tutorials.


1 comment:

The Idaho Beauty said...

The mind wanders off to interpret what it reads on its own. I scanned the title and was wondering how in the world a pattern could include 82 spider legs in it, especially at this size!

I like that you are adding more oranges now. As much as I like the blue and green palette, the orange will really spice things up in a way that is not overwhelming.