Sunday, October 31, 2021

Missives from Quilt Camp at Lake Lucerne 2021

I wasn't sure if the 1st wkd of October Quilt Camp at Lake Lucerne would be happening or not due to Covid, but it did happen!  Most of us were vaccinated, so let's hope no one gets a breakthrough case of Covid in the next 2 weeks.   


Laura Ramseier - Me - Shirley

It was good to see everyone (Laura, Shirley, Lynn, Pat Saft and the gang ...) again, after it was cancelled last year due to the pandemic.

I brought the Star Quilt for Show & Share, since I'd been working on it at previous Quilt Camps.

It was nice weather, though unseasonably humid and warm for October.  We saw lilacs blooming at the roadside on the way out there!  Bring back sweater weather! 


Janna and I went for a walk down to the beach and caught a beautiful sunset:

My oldest and best friend Janna happened to be visiting this week, so I brought her along.  She did handwork on a baby quilt, Hawaiian applique -- corduroy an silk with a linen backing.  She knows it's not practical, and expects it to be used and in tatters -- if she finishes it for the kid before he's an adult!  I suspect they will hand it on the wall!


I was working on a few projects ...  Heart-shaped potholders for France when we go next spring.  I didn't finish many, but made progress.  

I spent a lot of time quilting the 10-in squares and cutting out the heart-shaped pieces.


Heart Prototype #2 (No Bias Tape)

I was trying to avoid using bias binding, but discovered the turned hearts come out just a little too small.  At least the pieces are cut out, quilted, and ready to be assembled--once I get the binding.

This McKenna Ryan Chickadee Block.  It came as a kit, with the applique pieces already lazer-cut, fused and ready to go!  That saves so much time!  I can't tell you how often I've traced applique pieces -- backwards.  It wastes a lot of time and fabric.  This is a much better way to go.

To put it all together, I used my freemotion table with my Ott light underneath set up as a light box.  I had the pattern layered with a piece of baking parchment where I could lay the pieces and iron them down without fear of them sticking.  When I was ready, I stuck the centerpiece down to the background.

It still needs some work with stitching and finishing, but at least the bare block is together now.   (See block at the top of this post)

Holly's Smoky River Quilt Top

I was also working on this Smoky River quilt top my mom started a while back, but never finished.  Now I see why ...  There are some oddities about it, where things are not quite coming together as planned.  I'll make it work, though.  I do like the Stonehenge fabrics. 

I do remember my mom showing this to me a while back.  She was tired of it ...  I think she had planned to enlarge it into a king-size quilt, but changed her mind after discovering several oddities about the pattern.  She did have the 9-patch borders done, but according to that pattern, you have to cut them off so they fit the span of the middle part.  Huh?

Me and Janna at The Little Farmer in Fond du Lac

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