Saturday, January 14, 2023

Winter on the Christmas Tree Farm

Polar Springs Pines

My dad has a Christmas Tree Farm.  That's what he decided to do in retirement more than 25 years ago, after a career in teaching.  With the trees, he can be his own boss, and he's on the land every day--which he has thoroughly enjoyed.  And my mom's birthday was Christmas Day.  ;-)

So I was inspired to make some pine tree blocks.  There are multiple methods for making these simple triangle blocks from improv to paper piecing to templates.

I went the template route.  Though I may mix up the methods in the final quilt, and use some non-traditional scraps (ie not cotton).

I picked out some greens from  my mom's stash, and have been piecing together some larger scraps from my own stash for the trees.  Though I feel a little short on the lighter backgrounds. We'll see how this develops ...


Here's an easy pattern for the classic red truck, too.  

And the Newfie block.  Newfs can draft / pull loads -- Yes, it's true.  You can hook them up to a lightweight wagon and let them pull things -- like Christmas Trees.  Though you have to be very careful not to damage them (the dogs) by letting them pull too much or over-strain.  We've never actually had our Newfie work in the Christmas Trees, but she could!

This one shows the pine trees a little better than the photo at the top of the post.
Here are some of the individual blocks:

This one is made from a too-small velvet jacket from St Vinnie's.  I liked the sparkle!

Made from an orphan block leftover from a quilt I made Oliver when he was a kid.

I think both the snowflake background and the batik tree fabrics are leftover quilt backs.

I know it's hard to see, but this is a wool plaid scrap.  I'm not sure where it came from -- 
Janna? or Karla?

Scrappy blue Tree with metallic sparkles.


This one is a scrap of velvet leftover from a vest my mom made me years ago.  
It has a wonderful rich luster that is lost in this photo.

I was in need of some mindless but pleasing and satisfying sewing these days, and this fits the bill!

1 comment:

The Idaho Beauty said...

I love this and the inspiration behind it. I especially love that block of the truck with a tree in the bed. Brave you for including non-traditional materials.