Sunday, July 14, 2024

Progress on the Wandering Vine Coverlet


Weaving The Wandering Vine Coverlet - In progress

It's coming along!  I tend to do 2 of the pattern repeats per wkd which is about 10 or 11 inches of woven cloth.  It takes about 45 minutes to do 1 pattern repeat, which translates to about 90 minutes of weaving for the 2, with a break midway through.   It's only about half the marathon that the Mountain Cucumber Coverlet was.  Because it's a larger loom, it's a slightly different experience -- A little more extension side-to-side.  Heavier treadles (still manageable).  

I have about 46 inches woven on the first of 2 panels that will be about 100 inches long--So almost halfway on panel #1.

It's fun to see the pattern building and the cloth rolling up underneath. 

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