Sunday, August 25, 2024

Wandering Vine Coverlet: Panel 1 of 2 Complete and Lessons Leaned So Far

I finished the first panel of The Wandering Vine Coverlet.  20 repeats of the pattern filled about 100 inches, plus 3 inches for hems at the top and bottom.  1 more to go!

Once again, I kept track of my progress with a run of adding machine tape, so that I can try to match it block-for-block on Panel 2.  I also used a tape measure to track the whole panel.


Lessons Learned:

For the 1 panel, I used 16 bobbins of red wool yarn and 6 large bobbins of 10/2 cotton for the tabby.

1 red bobbin weaves about 5 inches of cloth.    1 bobbin of 10/2 cotton weaves about 14 inches of fabric.

The sectional warp took a long time to set up (about 2 months of Sundays), but it seems to be working as promised.  No tension issues!   The only thing is that I need to be careful when unwinding the warp, or winding the warp forward.  Sometimes the strings like to get hooked around one of the separators, and then they break because they are not where they should be, and the tension gets tight.  Now I check to make sure all the strings are in the right lane before I tighten the warp.

It look like some of the warp hank flipped or twisted when I installed them onto the sectional beam.  Fortunately, that doesn't seem to be causing any problems for the warp.  Whew!

The shuttles on the left side like to fall down through the loom, so I have not been able to use the little side table on the left side.  The solution is to set them on a stool instead.  

I should have enough warp left (12 yards total) to make some towels once the 2nd panel is finished.