Sunday, January 19, 2025

Antique Red Snowflake Coverlet

I thought I was done buying coverlets, and then this one showed up on eBay last week.

I love that red snowflake design!  It's not something I can easily do even on an 8-shaft loom, so I put in an offer and they took it!

It's in 4 panels about 22 inches wide.    You can tell the weft is single ply, so it puffs up nicely.

Interesting to see how the seams were sewn together, too.  It looks like it was done by hand, but it has held up through the years.  There are not broken places in need of repair.

For the sake of documentation, here is the listing:

Bay item number:235902291598

$64 plus $18 S&H 

Item specifics

Condition:  Pre-owned: An item that has been used or worn previously.
Pattern:  Floral
Shape:  Rectangular
Character: Red X
Size: Large
Color:  Red
Set Includes: Coverlet
Material: Cotton, Wool, Woven
Item Length: 8.5ft
Type: Coverlet
Department: Teens, Adults
Style: Colonial
Time Period Manufactured: Unknown
Production Technique: Stitched
Item Width: 7ft
Handmade: Yes


The Idaho Beauty said...

When thinking about my own collecting, I realized it fell into several categories: items to use as reference, items I knew I'd never replicate, and items added for their sheer beauty or historical nature. I can see why you wanted this one - it's a beauty.

Michele Matucheski said...

That's a really good way to categorize (and justify) your reasons for collecting. I hope you don't mind if I adopt that -- In truth, the only person I need to convince is myself. ;-)

The Idaho Beauty said...

Feel free to use it. I've found it very helpful in convincing myself that I NEED to make that purchase - lol.