Sunday, February 02, 2025

The Blue Resistance Quilt Top Complete

The Blue Resistance Quilt Top [edited 2/8/2025]

This is the disappearing hour glass 2 quilt, as demoed by Jenny Doan of The Missouri Quilt Company.  I love this nice BIG block -- very satisfying to make with a layer cake.   I added the green square just because ...

I think this is my new favorite quilt ...  

Although -- See that kind of gray square in the lower-r quadrant?  I decided to swap that out with a blue block that was left over from the border fabric.  That gray one doesn't quite fit ...   There-- Isn't that better? [See the photo at the top of the post.]

Working on this was a much-needed distraction from the news.  Other options for names: The Glass Half Full Quilt, or The Blue Optimist, even though it feels like everything I've ever known is going to come crashing down with this Chump administration.  

I think I'm going to tie it with a wool batt.  This will be a lovely deep winter quilt.

Maybe I can even pull out the quilter's frame I acquired at Quilt Camp a few years ago and put it to use?

If I push the big loom aside for a while, there would be room to set it up.

1 comment:

The Idaho Beauty said...

I'd have to agree about the grey block. At first I thought it was just made from pale blue fabric, but on closer inspection, it isn't at all. And as such i found it distracting. If you're going to go different go bold like the green block!