Sunday, June 23, 2013

2BD14 Marvelous Layout and a Joyful Giff

For this lesson, Kim showed us how to extend the canvas and add a border.  This technique works well for portrait pics that would otherwise be too long.   In looking through my stock images, most of them seem to be landscape orientation, so I added the border at the bottom.  
I took this picture with the new Olympus OMD that I trialed in early June. 

Photo Processing Layer-by-Layer :
1) Background image of a blooming Clematis flower
2) Extend canvas with crop tool.  Fill the empty space with a slice from Kim Klassen's Laura Texture
3) Text - Quote with Caflish ScriptPro and Aquiline Two Fonts
4) Text - Author - Film Cryptic Font
5) Kim Klassen's Add Some Noise 1 Texture - Screen Blend Mode
6) Kim Klassen's Add Some Noise 2 Texture - Screen Blend ; 27%

The other part of Kim's lesson for the week was to create an animated gif.  I've been thinking about this one for a few months now ...  We live in Wisconsin, with snowy winters.  We heat our house with wood.  The beds are piled high with quilts to keep us warm after the fire goes out for the night.  One of the Joys of Winter is to snuggle down into a drift of blankets.  Cozy and warm.  Even better to be "made" into the bed.  My husband is such a Sweetie about this.  He gets a kick out of the fact that I am so easily amused.  It makes me feel like a kid again--like playing with parachutes in gym class.  Remember that?  The silk drifting down ...

Here's a sketch from my photo-ideas journal.  He looks like a beardie-weirdie, but don't let that scare you.  He's a sweetie! You can tell by the smile on his face.

The quilt is one I made for my grandfather.  It came back to me after his death.  For him, I called it The Orange Blossom Breeze Quilt.  But since I fell in love with ABC's Once Upon a Time, I've been calling it The Enchanted Forest.  I LOVE this quilt.   

As for the photography, I figured out how to set the camera to take continuous shots with 1 press of the button.  So I laid on the bed, with the camera focused on CL's face.  He smiled and joyfully tossed the quilt again and again.   I wound up with about 300 pictures to sift through.  Whew!  What a job to distill it down to just 8 for the animation.  This was a lot of fun!  I highly recommend it.  ;-)

Beyond Layers


Beverly said...

LOVE the gif!!! Well, I love the clematis too!! It is so gorgeous! Lovely work on both!

Diane said...

great work on the gif and your husband looks like an absolute gem.