Monday, May 27, 2019

A Tale of Two Socks

I finally finished the second sock to match the one I made here.   I used Hypnotic Hysteria's pattern, which is quite simple one you understand the basics. 

Since this was the prototype and otherwise the first socks I've ever made (ok  -- 2nd pair of socks), I can offer some observations about the process.

When I realized 1 skein of yarn wouldn't quite be enough for 2 socks, I dyed another skein of speckled yarn with Wilton's broken violet.  It must have been a slightly different process (more or less vinegar, more or less time to develop, more or less steam, more or less water in the yarn to begin with) because there are subtle differences in the each sock.  One has a bluer background, and the other is a little more pinkish.  Don't get me wrong -- They are both pleasing to the eye -- THey just don't quite match.

Note to self :  Dye 2 skeins of yarn at the same time with the same technique (if not simultaneously) for socks.  That way, you are more likely to get a matched set.

Here's the speckled yarn I dyed a few weeks ago with broken Wilton's Delphinium Blue.  It appears that these skeins seem to be much more alike than the violet skeins I did separately above.    I am already starting a new pair of sock with this yarn.    Yes--It was such an enjoyable process, I'm doing it again!

Also since this was the first "real" pair of socks, I learned some additional things.

1) The CinDWood 56-peg 1/4-inch Knitted Knocker Loom is my loom of choice.   It has plastic pegs that give a little while you are working the yarn.  It also has these nice little scores in the column of the pegs where you can run the hook to get at the correct loop without splitting the yarn.  Believe it or not, this was a huge problem on one of the other looms I tried. 

2) A sock made on the CinDWood loom fits my foot just about right, so long as I knit it the right length.  The first sock was an inch or so too long (75 rounds after the toe box) for my foot, so I made the 2nd sock a little shorter (65 rounds is sufficient - or 7-1/2 inches from toe to ankle bone, just before beginning the heel).    Seeing as how I have a mis-matched pair here, I'll just keep these to myself.  Prototype kept for study purposes.

3) It appears I'll be able to make socks for my husband on the CinDWood loom as well -- I just need to make them a little longer to fit the length of his foot.  Otherwise the width seems like it will work for him -- which surprised me, but ok.    That means, I can also make socks for my dad, too.

 Delphinium Blue Speckled yarn on the Knitted Knocker Loom.

Now what other colors do I want to dye for socks? 

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