Sunday, July 21, 2019

Sakura Pallette

Sakura Pallette - Pink and Grays 

Still showcasing Candy G.'s favorite analogous color palettes from her Fabric Dyeing 103 class on multi-color fabrics.  In truth I diverged a bit from the proscribed colors in this lesson. 

Candy had a Tiger Lily pallette with orange amongst the grays.  I oped to swap out the rusty orange for a light pink, which I dubbed Sakura, in honor of cherry blossoms.

Part of the reason I wanted to take this class was to combine colors on clothing blanks.   I have a dress I want to do in this color scheme. ;-)

 Here's the accordion-pleated half yard.  I love the way this turned out!

 Here are the individual fat quarters staged atop the scrumbled half yard.

 Detail shot.  I am intrigued by the places where the original colors meet.  Where they come together, we get entirely new colors mixing on the fabric.

 In this one you can see a hint of lavendar where the pink and gray comes together.

 Detail shots from the accordion-pleated half yard.  

1 comment:

The Idaho Beauty said...

I definitely like the pink with the grey.