Monday, July 15, 2019

Tints of Grape

Tints of Grape

Just documenting my homework in the Candy G's Dyeing 103 : Multicolored Cloth.

Here's the sample accordion fold 5-inch square batching in the dye pot.
This is low-water immersion, so it's not actually a dye pot.

Here's the scrumbled half yard in the dye pot. 
You can see how deep the colors are in the pot, and how much gets washed out by the end ...

I am using Roclon muslin for the class.  No-- it was not recommended by Candy.  That's my fault.  I didn't realize it had a permanent press finish on it.   That important fact was not stated in the online description, or I would have chosen something else.  That may be why my final product is not as brilliant as I'd hoped.

Here are the scrumbled fat quarters batching in their bins.
It's a nice visual of the depth of color between the different tones.

 Here's the 1/2-yard piece in the folded accordion format, batching in the bin.

Detail from the washed and dried accordion-folded half yard. 

 Here's another shot of it.

Here's the scrumbled half yard, staged with the individually dyed fat quarters.
The color is kind of washed out here, but I hope you get the idea.

1 comment:

The Idaho Beauty said...

Yes, I'm surprised the colors took as well as they did with that finish on the fabric. Maybe your pre-washing removed some of it. I have instructions for scouring off that finish, but have never tried it. As I recall, it required some things I didn't have on hand and you know how that goes!