Saturday, May 09, 2020

And Now for Something Completely Different: Project Vinegar

 Grapefruit-Rosemary, Orange, and Lemon cleaning vinegars.

When the pandemic started, people bought out all cleaning supplies.  So the have-nots among us (I had some cleaning supplies--don't get me wrong) were left to make our own DIY hand sanitizers and cleaning vinegar.  Hurray for Pinterest!  And thanks to this post on 5 Scented Vinegar Cleaners  at Compost and Canva for her post with pointers and scent mixes to try (and some to avoid).

I've been using a vinegar and Dawn recipe for shower spray that works remarkably well, so why not try some fruit-scented vinegar?   The citrus rinds and peels were only going to wind up on the compost anyway.

I made several batches of cleaning vinegar by soaking citrus peels for about 2 weeks to make a concentrate.   When they are good and ready, you strain out the solids, cut it by half with water, put them in a glass spray bottle, and you are ready to clean!   

They smell so good, you could use them for aromatherapy, too!  At least once a day, I like to check and see how they are doing.  They don't really smell like vinegar at all. 

Grapefruit and Rosemary.  
Lemon (pictured) and Orange are the standards.

Pear and Cardamon is still macerating.  It smells so good!   

I haven't tried pine or cedar yet ...  I ran out of glass spray bottles. 
And my other herbs have not started for the season yet.

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