Sunday, May 16, 2021

Hollyhocks Around the Barn Quilt is Complete!

Hollyhocks Around the Barn - Square Dance Quilt

Here it is--at long last.  This one has been sitting in the to be finished pile for at least 12 years now.  

I finally finished the last bit of free-motion quilting in the bits around the flowers.  I've been wondering what to fill it with, and finally went with one of my go-to fillers: Hearts and Vines.

Here are all the threads I used on the topside for quilting.

I'm not at all sure what I had planned for binding, so I pulled a leftover from The Farmer's Wife project.


Another detail shot of the quilting on the front side, flowers, vines and borders.



More quilting from the back side. 



Here it is in the washing machine.  How did the machine know this was the center of the quilt?

Now that it's been washed, I LOVE the texture the free-motion quilting adds. No--it's not perfect, as done by a computer, or pantographs.  It has a hand-drawn feel to it--more like doodling or sketching.  That is much more my style.   

The pattern is Hollyhocks Around the Barn from The Buggy Barn.

The batting is Hobbs 80/20 Cotton batting.  I love it because it makes a new quilt look old and antique after the first wash.  

The label.  

I did something different this time with the label.  I took a square of fabric, and folded it along the diagonal, and wrote in the text with a sharpie (heat set with a hot iron).  Then I tucked the triangle into a corner and bound the raw edges with the binding.  This worked out so well!  Now that the binding is finished -- so is the label!  

This is in the lower right-hand corner, so when it is hanging, you can flip up the corner and read the label. 

Previous Posts on this quilt:

Hollyhocks Around the Barn (2008)

Quilting Hollyhocks Around the Barn Quilt - Step One - Have a Plan

Quilting Hollyhocks Around the Barn - Step Two - Egg & Carton 

Quilting Hollyhocks Around the Barn - Step 3 Leaves

Quilting Hollyhocks Around the Barn - Step 4 The Flowers and Step 5 Revisiting the Barn Rails

Quilting Hollyhocks Around the Barn Step 6: Chicken Wire Borders







1 comment:

The Idaho Beauty said...

Bravo! Feels good, doesn't it? These long looooong lanquishing ufos give the best sense of accomplishment.