Saturday, July 27, 2024

Report from the 2024 EAA Quilt Show

At the EAA Quilt Show yesterday, my Cathedral Windows ("Stars in My Eyes") quilt won a people's choice 2nd-place ribbon in the long wall hangings category.  Thank to everyone who voted for it!

I heard a few people comment that they liked the idea of stuffing the colored patches with a little batting / fluff to make them puff out.  Normally, Cathedral Window quilts have no batting layer, and are heavy and flat.

If you want to try making a Cathedral Windows quilt yourself, there are lots of tutorials out there.  This is the tutorial I used -- mostly by machine. 

I love that quilt because all the patches are leftover scraps from other projects, so it's kind of like a trip down memory lane for me.


Mary G., one of the guild members made the ribbons on her embroidery machine.  It's neat that the ribbons are also made and not just generic / purchased ribbons.  Every year is different.

I also bought a new bag from my fellow Guild member, Pat Schneider.  She does excellent work!  This is not the first bag I purchased from her.  And saves me oodles of time in struggling to make one myself. 


I also got a little bling-y quilted heart from the Boutique to dress it up a bit. 

And YES, the registrations, keeping track of everyone's quilts and returning them at the end of the day all went very well.  Just a few glitches which we will prevent next year.


The Idaho Beauty said...

I'm so glad all went smoothly from the admin side and that your cathedral window got such recognition. The people know . . . :-) Love pin, good looking bag. Yes, there are some things worth letting someone else make, even if you COULD do it yourself. I decided that about woven basketry. I love the one I made in a class but it sure showed me there was more involved than I realized and worth the price of buying one made by someone else.

JeanJ said...

Congratulations, Michele!