Sunday, August 04, 2024

Wooden Basket for Weaving Bobbins

I claimed this wooden basket from my Dad's house, before the auction later this month.  My Dad was so fond of the woods and wood products, I couldn't let this slip away ...  and it reminds me of some of those neat rustic bowls Li ZiQi used in her videos. 

At present, it sits next to my "big" loom, holding the bobbins and yarn for the current coverlet project.  Very handy!

1 comment:

The Idaho Beauty said...

That's a beauty and looks perfect for your weaving things. My late brother was a woodworker since learning skills in h.s. shop class, always coming up with interesting furniture designs. So I too have a thing for wood items, treasure the arts and crafts style planter I coerced him into making for me (so many individual pieces! he lamented) and can't resist running my hand along or around interesting wooden objects. So glad you nabbed this to remember your dad by.