Sunday, August 01, 2021

BIG Finish: The Morningstar Quilt is Complete!

At long last, The Morningstar Quilt is complete! 

I spent 4 hours on Saturday doing the background filler quilting on the black corner squares -- little loop-de-loops.  You can't really see it as I used black thread.  The main purpose was to push down the background so that the applique flowers and vines would POP!


Michele and Christian

I started this massive project in 2018 with the intention of finishing it in time for our 2oth wedding anniversary in 2019.  The appliques took much longer than anticipated, so it took twice as long to finish, but that's ok.  We're still together.  You can't rush a masterpiece!


Sweetie holding up the quilt.

On the bed.  It's a little big for our bed, but we'll make it work!

Detail of one of the appliqued flowers and vines.  

Quilting the background makes those flowers POP.


Quilt Label. Always important to document these quilts.

Perhaps now that I have my mom's embroidery machines, I'll start making fancier quilt lables?


The pattern and kit is by Jinny Beyer: The Lotus Quilt.


Hobbs Silk Batting

The batting is pretty light; The better quality quilting fabric is heavy.  The silk batt is supposed to be light, but warm.  We'll see how it does this winter.


It seems like I've been working on this for more than just 4 years!

Here are all the previous posts about The Morningstar Quilt:

The leftovers:  After any quilt is complete, there will be leftovers and scraps.  I can finally put this box away, or turn the leftovers into something else.

I had to keep track of each fabric while making the giant star in the center, so each fabric was numbered.  Don't need that anymore!   

 Maybe I can get some place matts out of the leftovers?

1 comment:

The Idaho Beauty said...

Wowza! What a stunning quilt! Yes, worth the wait. Heck, my nephew waited longer than that for me to finish a lone star quilt with Celtic applique I made for his wedding present - you probably remember it. Tour de force, these quilts. So worth the time in the end, although yeah, we have timeline expectations but the quilt says otherwise! So beautiful. And what a handsome husband - I'd hold on to that for 20 years too - lol. Looking forward to your critique of the silk batting in use.