Saturday, April 18, 2020

Friends Bearing Gifts: Dogwood Shuttle

Dogwood Weaving Shuttle - Handmade

My friend Lynda stopped by to pick up some branches from the spiral willow tree we had to cut down (Don't worry, I saved some sticks and will try to re-root them and try again.)  Yes-- we maintained social distancing in the Time of Corona, otherwise she would have come in and had supper with us--as in more normal times.

In exchange, she gave me this lovely dogwood shuttle made for card/band weaving.  I'm sure it was a tree on her Dad's property in North Carolina, that they cut and worked by hand.  It has a wonderful smooth finish to it.  And I am all the more mesmerized at the craftsmanship,because all my attempts at working homegrown wood have ended in cracks and tears.

I love dogwood weaving items!

She also felted the wool underneath it -- in my colors!  This is what it was wrapped in.  I'm sure it's alpaca, so it's soft and silky. 

1 comment:

The Idaho Beauty said...

What lovely gifts and that opportunity for a face to face at holler distance. :-)