Sunday, June 02, 2024

Down a Rabbit Hole: Flax to Linen

I Grew My Own Cloth -- The entire flax to linen process by Engineered Knits

My friend Sheila sent me a link to the Engineering Knitter who was talking about math and weaving ...  in another video, she was growing her own flax from seed in garden boxes on her patio to process it into linen.  OMG!  I have not gone that far, but I might!  It never occurred to me to grow just a handful of flax -- I figured you'd need a couple of acres to have enough to spin for a coverlet.  I never really liked the feel of spinning flax, so I never pursued it.

Still -- I could not look away as this video was just so darn interesting!

Things were going along well with weaving the text piece on the wandering vine coverlet, until I sheared off a bolt, and then I could not get the warp to hold any tension.  So we'll have to get the fixed in the next week or so ...

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