Sunday, May 17, 2009

Everyday Inspiration ; Oyster with Pearl, Mid-West Style

I saw this little gem on the sidewalk the other day ... I had to do a double take because at first I thought it was a pearl in an oyster shell.

"I do not weep at the world. I am too busy sharpening my oyster knife ..." --Zora Neale Hurston

I think it might be spider eggs on a piece of bark? Anyone out there recognize the critter?

I live near a lake, but we don't have pearl oysters--just little zebra mussels.


judibel said...

While I think it is either mold or a mushroom, I also think it doesn't really matter. It is just beautiful and can be anything you want. You are the artist, after all.
Judith in nyc

Kim said...

It is surely arachnid in nature, but I don't know my creepies well enough to say which. I just found your site... it is lovely, and I will visit often!