Friday, July 03, 2020

Amazing Textures at Pictured Rocks

Amazing Textures at Pictured Rocks
Munising, Upper Michigan

In August 2018, my sister and I (plus our families)  took my parents up to Marquette Michigan, on the shores of Lake Superior.  We were celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary, quietly and with family.  My mom's health was precarious, so we wanted to celebrate sooner than later.  Their actual anniversary was January 2019, but my sister is only in the US in August ...

We rented (Thank you, CL!) a big old renovated house with a magnificent staircase, and lots of room for everyone.

My sister arranged for several tours where my mom could just sit and watch the rocks roll by.  We also took my dad kayaking, so we could get a little closer to the rocks.  They were amazing!

It kept reminding me of when I was doing the rust dying experiments here and here and here and here  and here.  Oh my-- Do I have a love affair with rust, or what?

Solitary Kayaker - Alone on the Water
(Not really -- This was our Kayaking Guide up ahead)

Pictured Rocks 2018
Slide show
[Sorry -- the music ran out half way through. 
I was hoping it would loop to fill the space, but it didn't.
Enjoy the silence.]

1 comment:

The Idaho Beauty said...

I don't think I was aware of these rock formations, although I've been to the area several times. Those vertical striations look unreal, literally like brush strokes on a canvas. Like you, I am drawn to the ones of rusty colors.