Monday, September 27, 2021

Dad's Red Barn Knit Hat

Red Barn Wool Knit Hat for my Dad

Red Barn Socks for my Dad - finished last summer.

Remember those socks I made for my dad last summer?  He liked them, but he had a hard time getting them over his ankles.  Although they fit perfectly when they were on, he had a hard time getting them on and off.  ;-(     

So I decided it would be better if I unraveled those socks and made him a hat instead-- My father agreed.


For as long as it took to make those socks stitch -by-stitch, it didn't take long at all to unravel them! The hardest part was the bind-off at the top cuff.  That is a sturdy bind-off and won't easily unravel -- rest assured!

The yarn was good and kinked when it unraveled.  I could have treated it to un-kink it, but I also wanted to see what kind of hat it would make with the boucle-ed yarn. 

Here it is in the yarn bowl, feeding into the knitting mill ...


Looking down into the center of the resulting tube on the knitting mill.

There is definitely more dimension to this yarn and this hat.  The kinks add extra stretch and hopefully some extra pockets for warmth in the depths of winter.  

This is wool yarn that I dyed myself, so I didn't want to just give up on it.  I absolutely LOVE how this yarn came out!


Once again, here is the resulting hat.

The stripes in the yarn have a slightly different pattern with the kinks.  I still love it!


Here's a detail  shot of how the kinky yarn knitted up into the beanie hat.

I hope he likes it!  If not, I'd be happy to keep this one!

[11/14/2021: He does like it!]

Just wanted to make this a separate post in case anyone is specifically looking for this kind of effect in a knitting milled hat.  

Because I was making those socks for my Dad as we were taking care of my mom who lay dying, I also wanted to include this little video called Moving On, a nice little meditation on life and death.   Transformations.  Everything comes back around again in some other form ...  unravels here, and reappears there ...   Enjoy ...

1 comment:

The Idaho Beauty said...

Now that's a real interesting look using the unraveled yarn that way. I can see that it worked really well in making that hat.