Monday, September 20, 2021

Peace by Piece

Peace by Piece

I gave this little quitlie to my mom years ago ...  She had it hanging on the wall above her sewing machine, always within view.     It was a challenge piece for the quilt guild one year. I was interested in fabric manipulation, so I was experimenting with origami and folded fabric on this one.  The poem and the blue-green fabric were requirements for the challenge.

If I recall, it was also one of the earliest pieces I did the background quilting on, too. ;-)




[PHOTO - Me and Ma with Piece by Peace]

Peace by Piece 2005 Challenge

The small wall hanging at the top is something I made for her when I started quilting, before this blog even.  I was exploring textures and printing on fabric.  She's had this on the wall over her sewing machine since they moved into the new house.  I don't remember seeing the pictures of us together when I gave it to her though ...



I am about 1/4 to 1/3 working through clearing out my mom's sewing room.  It feels like progress.  Last time I went through the paper stuff: Books, magazines, patterns, photocopies.  3 heavy boxes for Dad to donate to the local public library.  2 boxes of wrapping paper, tissue and gift bags (My mom was the only one who wrapped gifts -- We just do gift cards these days.)  for the "Church Ladies" at the charity shop my Dad likes, along with some other stuff ...  Piles of paper for recycling.  We're making progress.  I kept a few classic quilting and reference books (only about 5-6 inches on the shelf).  Otherwise, there is some open space now.  Whew! 

I still don't know what to do with all the embroidery designs ...

I did find a few of her scrap books from when she first started quilting.  I wonder if the newer stuff is on her computer in digital form?  I'll leave that for my sister to excavate when she comes next year ...  So we do have a record of some of her early quilts.  I kept those scrap books, too.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your doing a good job. It's hard losing your Mom. Can't ask her questions anymore.