Monday, June 06, 2022

Warping Paddle from a Spoon

I brought out my warping mill to  run another warp -- This time for the blue/green diamond twill. 

I had enough balls of yarn to use a makeshift warping paddle out of a repurposed spoon from the kitchen. This one had holes in it, but you could use the slotted spoon type just as well.  This must have been a handy tip from one of the weaving groups on FaceBook.  I'm so glad I gave it a try. It cut the warping time by about 1/3!  I had 600 strings to run at 4 yards, and it only took a couple of hours, because I could run 3 or 4 strings at a time, not the usual 2.

In this shot, I am working down the loom.

It worked great!

In this shot, I'm working my way back up with another 4 strands (well -- actually, the same 4 strands in the opposite direction).

The holes in the spoon keep the strings from tangling.   Everything stays in order.

Here are the three warp chains, awaiting their time to be pressed into service as real fabric!

Now I am excited to get weaving again!  But first comes warping which will be a few more weeks.  Even before that, I have to take the last project off the loom and finish it!

This is Mobalatta navy wool yarn for the warp. I'll use a green Faro wool for the weft.  The fabric is intended for a  new seat cushion on my weaving stool.  We'll have to see -- the resulting fabric might be too light for upholstery fabric-- even if the intention is to felt it.  In which case, I also bought some Pearle Cotton which might be more durable?  



Let me end this post with another bit of blue -- my lovely little Chinese duck tea pot. She has a lovely pour. No drips!

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