Sunday, December 29, 2024

Plans for a New Quilt: Disappearing Hour Glass 2 in Blue

Disappearing Hour Glass 2 Quilt Tutorial with Jenny Doan

Just wanted to have a bookmark for this video, as I'm planning yet another new quilt.  I had a layer cake with the intention of working up a different quilt, but couldn't wrap my head around the pattern or the color changes light-medium-dark.  So I think I'll make this one instead.  ;-)

Here are the steps for the disappearing hourglass 2 quilt blocks:


Step 1: Layer 2 10-inch squares right-sides together.  In this set, there is a light square on the bottom and a batik blue on top.  I like to press them together before I start stitching ...


 Step 2: Stitch 1/4 inch around all the edges.  Press flat.  Then make 2 cuts along the diagonals.


Open these "new" 1/2-square blocks and press open.


Step 3:   Arrange these 4 1/2-square triangle blocks into an hourglass configuration as shown above and stitch together.


Step 4: This is a good time to square up the hourglass block.

Then, align the ruler at 2-1/8 inch from the center seam and make 4 cuts.  It's helpful to have a rotaing cutting matt for this step.

Step 5: Rotate all the corner blocks so that the small triangle (light or dark) is in the corner.  This will be a 180-degree turn for each of the corner blocks:

Step 6: Next, turn the center block 90 degrees to the right.  Now your re-arranged block should look like the above.  Sew them into place.


It makes a nice BIG block.   I have been doing one or 2 or 3 blocks a day.  It's very satisfying to make them.

It's similar to Anita's Arrow, but seems a little simpler to make.

Yes, I am fond of blue!  That is a regular color in my personal pallette.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the process to this one. As a non-quilter, it always appeared to be hundred of pieces made individually to put together. There are many pieces to sew together but certainly not randomly. Blue is my favorite color too.