Friday, June 07, 2019

Blue & Yellow Don't Make Green : Teal Blue Pants or Another Dye Job

Teal Blue Pants

A while back, I purchased a pair of pants.   They were super cheap -- cotton and comfortable.  The only problem was the color : Yellow.   Not my favorite.  But I also knew I could dye them to something more my liking.

This is the original color of those pants.  Yellow.

I chose Teal Blue, because it came out so nice on the wool yarn a few days ago.  Looked kind of like faded blue jeans.  But I should have known, the dye would react differently on cotton -- because that's what it was design for.   It's much more intense on cotton with the soda ash fixer. 

I was a little afraid I'd wind up with "green jeans" if I added blue dye to a yellow base.  You might catch a whiff of green in the final product, but it's overall very blue -- and intense.

The thread is obviously synthetic because that did not pick up the teal blue dye.

Success!  I think next time, I'll just buy the trousers in a more suitable color to start with!

1 comment:

The Idaho Beauty said...

Nice job! Guessing there wasn't enough yellow in that cotton to faze your blue dye - lol. I dyed a couple of cotton shirts of my husband's long ago and discovered the same thing you did about the thread used in their construction. Fortunately, it wasn't too distracting.