Sunday, March 01, 2020

Blue Socks

I finished the experimental pair of socks on the 1/4-inch 56-peg CinDWood loom, using Paton's sock yarn, size #1.  It's a really nice color -- Cadet.  It's a thinner yarn than I was accustomed to using.

By the end, I just wanted to be done with them.  Some people swear by Paton's sock yarn -- I don't quite see what all the fuss is about.  The colors are nice -- and yes, it's real wool.  But it has a roughness / coarseness that I did not feel in alpaca or in the merino Marly Bird Chic Sheep yarn (which is my preference).  I am hoping it was just some stabilizer that would wash out once it was wet finished.  [They do seem a little softer and fluffier after wet-finishing.]  And they are definitely snugger than my previous socks made from thicker yarns--That was the point of this little experiment, to make some socks I might actually be able to wear to work in regular shoes.

Since it is a #1 size yarn, I had to make some slight adjustments in my usual sock pattern--mostly more rounds for the length of the foot.    I had just a small ball of yarn left for each sock.  I could have done several more rounds on the leg and cuffs, but, like I said, I just wanted it to be over sooner that later.  It's a slightly snugger fit than the Marly Bird socks.

Toes - 9 in and 9 out
Foot - 75 - 80 rounds?
Heel - 9 in and 9 out
Leg - 45 rounds
Cuff - 25 rounds K2 P2
Super stretchy bind off.

Now I can start that red pair for my dad!

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