Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Crazy Quilt Post Card

Inspired (again) by Vicky Welch at Field Trips in Fiber, I worked out this fabric post card. Instead of sewing the pieces together as traditionally done, the scraps were arranged and fused to Timtex. Fancy stitches hold it all together. I may have to set up the Designer I for many more options in stitches. It's still on the floor of my sewing room where I put it when I got back from Quilt Camp in November. (Heresy, I know!)

This was my first attempt at anything like crazy quilting. I'm pleased with the way the colors came together. ;-) However, the choice of threads should show more contrast to be more visible ... Could use more embellishments, too.

And that's why the fabric postcard is such a great practice area!


Vicki W said...

It turned out great! My postcard was my first attempt at CQ. I agree with you, it's the perfect format for trying out new ideas and techniques. Thanks for the mention!

Anonymous said...

I thought your fabric post card was beautiful and imaginative.
