At Quilt Camp in November, Bobbi was making several of these nifty little 3-pocket purses. I don't know where she got the pattern or the idea. But it's simple enough to relay here :
1) Start with an 18-inch square quilt sandwich. (2 fat quarters work well)
2) Quilt as desired.
3) Bind it.
4) Fold in half along the diagonal.
5) Mark a perpendicular line at 6 and 12 inches across the long diagonal side. Sew up this perpendicular to about 7-1/4 inches. You don't want to go to the very top, or the top envelope flap won't fold freely (ask me how I know this).
6) You should have a triangle with 2 seams. Turn the side chambers inside out.
7) Hand stitch the cross-over pieces that make the side pockets.
8) Add closures as desired. Add a strap, and you're done!
My husband liked this design so much, he asked me to make a quilted bag for his new laptop in this style. I just have to figure out how big a square I need to start with ...
Hey Michele,
thanks for leaving that excellent post up - the directions and photos were great
will be begin by making some interesting quilt sandwiches and then finish them off as a purse
thanks everso
hmf down the shore in new jersey
Off to make one or more of these, they are so cute. Thanks for posting instructions. how did you go with laptop bag and please please tell me what type of fabric you used? A conversational?! Bubble
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