Monday, October 28, 2013

Your Most Valuable Posession ...

"The most valuable possession you can own is an open heart."
                                       --Carlos Santana

I haven't posted anything in a while.  Problems with my computer.  Apparently, Mac OSX has a nasty bug that makes some of your files disappear.  Poof!  Gone.  Not retrievable from the trash either.  Just gone.  Not a virus, but a bug in the operating system.  We're looking for a solution.  Other than hunting through backups for the lost files.    Kind of makes you think about what's important.   The art I've been making lately is digital : pixels.  They can disappear in an instant.   I'm glad I have a record on this blog, but those are the smallified pics.  Not the psd files.  Needless to say, I don't exactly trust my laptop at the moment. 

It's enough to make me go back to manual arts -- which I did this weekend.  I went to the basement and dyed some silk scarves.  They are still sitting in pools of color "batching."  Pictures to be forthcoming ...

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