Saturday, April 20, 2019

Breaking Wilton's Violet on Pendleton's Woolly Worms

I wanted to try larger batches (1-2 pounds) of the Pendleton Strips (selvedges or woolly worms).  I was curious to know how much dye was required to sufficiently color a pound (or two) of wool fiber in this form.

Rebecca at Chem Knits typically uses 1/2 tsp per 100 grams of wool yarn
          with 3 Tablespoons White Vinegar.

So I did some math conversions and came up with the following :

1 pound = 454 grams

2-1/4 tsp dye per 1 pound of wool fiber
3/4 cup  + 1-1/2 tsp Vinegar

I had to use the stove stop and a big pot as 1-pound of fiber is too much to fit into the slow cooker pot. Though it works great for smaller batches, and the yarn.

I wound up using 1 entire jar (1 oz) of Wilton's Violet for this big pot / batch.
I dissolved the gel in a mason jar of hot water.  (Wear gloves, or your hands will get pink!)

I pre-soaked the woolly worms in a separate bucket with warm water.
I had a big pot on the stove about 1/2 full of water set to simmer with the vinegar.

Once the water was hot enough, I turned down the heat, added the dye concentrate, and started to add the fiber -- NOT all at once, but in big handfuls. Then I'd wait for the color to change before adding the next chunk -- very similar to the dip dye process.  I was counting on the colors breaking so that I'd have some nice variation with the overall batch.    That way, I can pull worms out of the bag at random and know that all the colors will work together in a given rug.

It appears to be working beautifully!   I got a lovely variety of "broken" violet colors in this batch.

Here's what I started with -- 1-1/2 pounds of cream and gray woolly worm strips.
This is the light and dark mix of woolly worms I started with -- knowing that different shades would take the dye differently and leave me with a nice mix that would all go together.
This will make a lovely rug someday!

Here's  a direct comparison of the Pendleton Woolly Worms dyed 
with Delphinium Blue (left) and Violet (right).


Anonymous said...

I would like to weave a rug from the premium strips from Pendleton. How did you estimate the amount to order for each of your rugs?

Thank you


Michele Matucheski said...

Dear Vickie,
That's an excellent question! I was wondering that myself last year when I put in my orders.

Last summer, I was keeping pretty good records about how many strips (by weight) were needed to make a decent sized rug. My loom may be different from yours ...

Rugs Rugs Rugs

I think for my first order, I just got 2 pounds of the woolly worms, and 2 pounds of the Merino strips -- just to try them out. It was $10 for the fiber, and $7 to ship it to me then. You can't really choose what you get -- You get what you get -- unless you are close enough to go there, and pick through the bins yourself. I can assure you : It's really nice fiber for the price, so you might want to get 5-10 pounds total for a first round. Even if they send you not your favorite colors, you can always dye them some other colors.

Happy Weaving!
