Saturday, February 27, 2021

Farmer's Wife Blocks - 25 Cups & Saucers - 62 Old Windmill - 105 Wild Goose Chase


Farmer's Wife #62 - Old Wind Mill

I finished the blocks early this week, working on them in the evenings after work --It was kind of a stressful week, so the quilting helps me unwind.  Whew!  Even better that there was no paper piecing this week!

This was another of the half-square triangle blocks.  Every time I show one of these to my husband, he squints and says, "Didn't you already do this one?"  Yeah-- but the colors are different, and maybe the arrangement of the colored triangles to make a new pattern is also different.   I don't mind these HST blocks.  They are soothing and satisfying.  ;-)



Block 105 - Wild Goose Chase

Another one not paper-pieced. Hurray!   It was made by cutting squares and rectangles, and sewing along the diagonals.  Most of the time, it worked pretty well.  There are a few wonky geese there, but that's true in real life too!


Block 25 - Cups & Saucers

I am starting to run out of blues and greens in the pile of fabrics chosen for this and other projects.   So I had to get a few new ones.   I rather like this combination.  ;-) 

I think each block takes at least 90 minutes to complete.  Some take much longer (as much as 4 hours!) if there are a lot of pieces, and precision cutting of unusual sizes for individual pieces.  The avg is prob. more like 2.5 hours per block.   The paper piecing takes me longer because there is always re-work involved for too short pieces.   If it were not for the pandemic keeping us home, I'm not sure I would have embarked on this project.   It has been good practice for some of these techniques I don't usually do (paper-piecing, half-square triangles), pressing so as not to distort the pieces (Some days are better than others!), and choosing suitable color combinations.  And every block is different in the end!   I must have 75 blocks completed by now.  Only 35 (or so) to go. There's light at the end of this tunnel!

Now I can spend the bulk of the weekend free-motion quilting the Hollyhocks Quilt!

Tutorials from Handmade Karma for Week 24.

See Handmade Karma's full set of Farmer's Wife blocks and tutorials.

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