Thursday, October 13, 2022

Carousel Quilt Blocks

This is one of the projects I worked on at Quilt Camp this month.   They look like spider web blocks to me.    At this point, the strip sets had been cut into wedges, and I was auditioning placement -- like pizza pies on the tables -- trying to make sure no two colors were touching.

I started with an autumn and turquoise jelly roll already cut into prescribed  1-in., 1-1/2-inch and 2-inch strips to make carousel blocks, according to Donna Jordan in this video:


I used the 45-degree Kaliedescope Ruler to cut these out.  My set yielded 7 carousel blocks in total.  I thought it might be putsy to sew together with all those intersecting seams -- esp. in the middle, but DJ advises making sure the seams of the wedges are opposing (1 up and the next one down) so that they sort of nest and don't work against each other.  She also advises a slightly wider than 1/4-inch seam, and that allowed things to meet in the middle without a lot of bulk.  It worked!

I am still contemplating how to set them in order to use all 7 octagons.  I also took some of the scraps and cut 2-inch strips and chained them together to make 1 more element in the final quilt.  I still need to pick a background fabric, and possibly a border.  

Is this the honeycomb setting?

More to come on this one ...

1 comment:

The Idaho Beauty said...

I'd go with the circular set myself, even though the adjoining pieces might be tricky. These are so wonderfully colorful.