Wednesday, February 11, 2009

6-Part Gradation Dye : Wintergreen, Rosewood & Stormy Skies

I did 3 sets of a 6-part gradation dye with some new colors I got from ProChem recently.

Pictured here is Wintergreen, Rosewood, and Stormy Skies in the Stuff & Dump Method (which leads to mice mottling).

I know I'm supposed to be able to mix any color from Red, Blue and Yellow, but my experiments in that vein have been incredibly frustrating--everything seems to come out overpowered by Fuscia Pink or Olive Green or just plain mud. Don't get me wrong, I love greens and browns, but enough is enough. Sometimes it's a whole lot easier to purchase the colors I'm after. It takes all the guess work out of mixing colors, and I can enjoy dyeing without worrying about the dreaded Fuschia taking over the whole works. Maybe I'll change my mind on that stance someday, but for now, for the dabbling I do, this seems to work.

6-Part Gradation Dye - Wintergreen - Stuff & Dump Method
The last 2 (the weakest) gradations seem too faint to bother with. They may get over-dyed someday. Nice "fresh" colors --like a salad. (These colors are pretty close to the actual greens I got.)

6-Part Gradation Dye - Rosewood - Stuff & Dump Method
Deepest colors are lovely and rich!

6-Part Gradation Dye - Stormy Skies - Stuff & Dump Method
These looked dark purple in the dye pots, but washed out to an unexpected forest green.
The lightest ones turned a little pink.

Here are some of the nicest pieces in full :

Rosewood (1 of 6) Stuff & Dump

Rosewood (2 of 6) Stuff & Dump

Stormy Skies (2 of 6) Stuff & Dump

Wintergreen (3 of 6) - Stuff & Dump Method
Color isnt quite accurate on this one, but it does show off the mice mottled effect this method offers.

Wintergreen (1 of 6) Stuff & Dump Method
Again, the color isn't quite right, but it shows the nice mottling.