Monday, October 26, 2020

Woven Red Circles Scarf is Complete

The Red Circles Scarf is finally off the loom.  I could have finished it months ago, but I wanted to have a new warp ready to go -- otherwise, I forget how things are supposed to be strung, and -- let's face it -- an un-warped loom is a sad loom! 

Due to the timing and the era this scarf lived through, I almost feel like I should call it the Corona Scarf, or the Pandemic Scarf.  But the circles lack the spikes Covid has ...    Nah-- I don't think I want to give Corona any more power than it already has over us.    Let's make this scarf the protective antidote -- a strong immune system. 

"I made this!"

I am so pleased with the way this came out!  The most complicated pattern I've ever tried.  And all on a 4-shaft loom!  I definitely want to try more of these shadow weaves, perhaps in other colors?  The black makes the colors pop -- maybe green or blue or purple?  So many possibilities!


The pattern and kit came from Yarn Barn of Kansas.

I don't see it on their website anymore, so I don't think it's available any longer. 


For those of you who've been following along, or just want to learn more about this scarf and this particular pattern, here are some of the previous posts about it:

Eureka! It's Working: Weaving the Red and Black Circle Scarf on the Loom

New Video Demonstrating the Bead System for Tracking Pattern Treadles on the Floor Loom




1 comment:

The Idaho Beauty said...

A real beauty - very impressive! It is definitely not covid, but an antidote to it. :-) I love that bit about a sad loom. Not unlike an empty quilt frame or hoop.