Sunday, December 05, 2021

Antique-y Quilt Find at St Vinny's

It's no secret: My favorite place to shop is St Vincent de Paul's Thrift Stores.  You never now what you'll find there on any given day, and some of the quality of the older stuff is better than anything you can buy new.  And the prices are hard to beat!


This week, I picked up this quilt for only $10.  It's got some attractive machine embroidery on it (something I would not / could not do).   

 Here's the center medallion.


And the quilting (which is something I could do) makes it look antique the way the batting crinkles up.  I know it's probably not an antique, and likely made by "little hands" in a sweat shop half-way around the world. ;-(

In the washing machine.

There are a few stains on it, but I can live with that.  First stop is the washing machine at home anyway.

I will ask Lynn Mozingo for her 3-day deep clean recipe for donated quilts. I know she told me in the past, but now I need to use it myself!

It was listed as a twin quilt for $10, but it seems bigger than a twin.  I was going to put it on the guest bed, but it's be big enough for our full-size bed.  The edges are scalloped, too.