Monday, December 06, 2021

Frog and Toads Quilt Top: My Mom's Stashbusting Batik Quilt Top

Here's another one of my mom's unfinished quilt tops.  I found this in a bin of scraps last month.  Kinda looks like The Stashbusting Ugly Quilt  pattern.  Or maybe it was one of those Karla Alexander Stack the Deck Quilts?   Kind of a crazy quilt look to it ...

Obviously, she didn't like the way it was coming together, so she scrapped it.  I can see why ...  Ugly happens to the best of us!  There were several rows of 4 blocks already sewn together and a bunch of 2s.  This afternoon, I laid it all out and put it together.  

Very earthy with all those browns. Kinda made my skin feel dry.  Not my chosen color pallette.  Kinda reminded me of land toads, dry and brown -- so I decided it needed some tree frog green for a thin inner border.  [Hence the Frog & Toads title.  1 frog and a lot of toads!]  That green was leftover from the Farmer's Wife Quilt.   I found a suitable batik for the wider border in her batik bin, which I brought back with me last month.  It even has a hint of green in it.


Here's a detail shot of the corner block, showing the true colors better. 

Also a shout out to one of my favorite series from when I was a kid: 
Frog & Toad by Arnold Lobel. 

I donated it to the Charity Quilt Chair of Lakeside Quilt Guild.  I'm not feeling motivated to finish it.  Too many other things I want to do!

1 comment:

The Idaho Beauty said...

Yeah, that's a charity quilt if I ever saw one. Even though in one of favorite color palettes I can't show much love for this. I'm amazed you bothered to finish putting it together! I'd have passed it on in its "scrapped" state to an ambitious quilt guild. I remember enjoying the challenge of making something acceptable out of contributions to the guild like these. But not anymore!